Hydroponic Stand-36Trays / Hydroponic Green Fodder stand

Green fodder is essential to feed livestock, but the reduced availability of land and lack of water. It is become difficult to produce the required quantity of green fodder throughout the year. Also, the lack of quality fodder hampers the growth production, and Reproduction of livestock.

1) Nutrient Value

Hydroponics fodder has more nutrients than traditional fodder dry food or grain. It contains high carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.

2) Time to grow

Compared to traditional fodder, which often needs up to two months to grow, you can grow hydroponic fodder in just one week

3) less water requirement

Compared to conventional fodder production, it required less water for hydroponic fodder production. Only 3 to 4 liters of water is necessary to grow one kilogram of hydroponic fodder; on the other, for traditional fodder, approximately 70- 100liter water is required.

4) Easy daily production

Hydroponic fodder can be produced regularly throughout the year, even when low water problems.

5) Chemicals or pesticides

It does not require any chemicals or pesticides to grow

6) Less workforce and Transport cost

it needed less workforce and transport cost. most of the farmers grow hydroponic green fooder near the livestock shade
Green Fodder is grown stand



36 try’s Hydroponic Fodder stand
Ž Palatability of hydroponic green
fodder was excellent among farm
animals as it is succulent and delicious.
Ž Palatability trial showed greater
response among farm animals like
Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat,
Pigs, Rabbit, Chicken and
Hydroponic fodder is produced by growing seeds without soil, and with very little water; within six-seven days, the seeds are sprouted, the seedlings will be up to 30-35 cm tall and provide highly nutritious fodder.

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